Bing的追踪参数(Tracking Tokens)以及S2S Postback URL

Bing的追踪参数(Tracking Tokens)以及S2S Postback URL


#Token NameToken Description
1{AdGroupId}Adgroup ID that triggered the ad
2{AdId}Ad ID of the displayed ad
3{BidMatchType}Match type of the bid (e=bidded exact p=bidded phrase b=bidded broad c=bidded content)
4{CampaignId}Campaign ID that triggered the ad
5{Device}Device type of where the click came from m=mobile t=table device c=desktop or laptop computer)
6{IfContent:string}The string text (that you define) to the right of the colon if the ad is displayed on the content network
7{IfMobile:string}The string text (that you define) to the right of the colon if the ad is displayed on a mobile device
8{IfNative:string}The string text (that you define) to the right of the colon will be substituted into the URL if the ad is displayed as a native ad
9{IfSearch:string}The string text (that you define) to the right of the colon if the ad is displayed on the search network
10{MatchType}Match type that triggered the ad (e=exact p=phrase b=broad c=content)
11{OrderItemId}Keyword ID that triggered the display of the ad
12{ProductId}ID of the product that triggered the ad (Bing merchant center for product ads only)
13{QueryString}Search query text that the visitor entered
14{TargetId}Target ID of the keyword ("kwd") or remarketing list ("aud") that triggered the ad

Bing没有提供S2S Postback来回传转化,他们的转化跟踪是依靠Universal Event Tracking (UET)来进行的,你可以到下面的支持文档具体查看: