相信所有跑过大人Offer的同学都有了解Juicy Ads,这个network在每年的大人流量渠道评比中都会获得若干奖项,其同时提供mobile和desktop流量,但你的账户至少需要保留$200才能新建campaign。Juicy Ads除了提供一般大人流量网络的Banner、Popunder广告外,其显著的优势是可以包下特定Publisher的所有流量,即所谓的包站模式跑Offer。Juicy Ads的一个缺点是targeting选项比较少,但近些年有所改善,某些国家已经支持target Carrier了。Juicy Ads为我们提供了丰富的跟踪参数,金橙子海外联属营销网建议你选取合适自己Campaign的Tracking Tokens,借以优化Campaign表现
# | Token Name | Token Description |
1 | {dynamicCMP} | Mobile campaign ID (mobile & pop under campaigns only) |
2 | {dynamicCON} | Connection type - wifi or carrier (mobile & pop under campaigns only) |
3 | {dynamicDATE} | Date of the transaction |
4 | {dynamicDOS} | Device operating system of the visitor (mobile & pop under campaigns only) |
5 | {dynamicDTY} | Device type of visitor (mobile & pop under campaigns only) |
6 | {dynamicGEO} | Country code of visitor |
7 | {dynamicHOUR} | Hour of the transaction |
8 | {dynamicIMG} | Campaign image number (not available for mobile & pop unders) |
9 | {dynamicPUB} | Publisher ID (mobile & pop under campaigns only) |
10 | {dynamicSITE} | Site ID of where the ad was displayed |
11 | {dynamicZNE} | AdZone ID of where the ad was displayed (not available for mobile & pop unders) |
JuicyAds没有给我们提供S2S形式的Postback URL,实际上JuicyAds的Report比较简陋,所以你需要建立自己的追踪系统,然后依靠所收集来的数据优化Campaign