# | Token Name | Token Description |
1 | {ad_size} | Width and height of the ad |
2 | {appstore_url} | App store URL for an installed app |
3 | {bundle_id} | Application bundle or package name - intended to be a unique ID across exchanges |
4 | {campaign_id} | Unique ID for the campaign |
5 | {campaign_name} | Name of the campaign |
6 | {carrier} | Carrier name |
7 | {category} | IAB category of site or app |
8 | {country} | Country of visitor |
9 | {creative_id} | Unique ID for the creative |
10 | {datetime} | Date and time of RTB auction |
11 | {device_model} | Model of the device |
12 | {device_vendor} | Device vendor |
13 | {exchange} | Name of RTB exchange |
14 | {gps} | GPS coordinates |
15 | {ip} | IP address of visitor |
16 | {md5_did} | MD5 hashed device ID (e.g. IMEI, MEID, or ESN) |
17 | {md5_dpid} | MD5 hashed platform-specific ID (e.g. Android ID or UDID for iOS) |
18 | {media} | App or site |
19 | {os_version} | Device operating system version |
20 | {os} | Device operating system |
21 | {publisher_id} | ID of the publisher (seller) |
22 | {publisher_name} | Name of the publisher |
23 | {sha1_did} | SHA1 hashed device ID (e.g. IMEI, MEID, or ESN) |
24 | {sha1_dpid} | SHA1 hashed platform-specific ID (e.g. Android ID or UDID for iOS) |
25 | {site_url} | Domain of the site |
26 | {source_id} | ID of the site or app that the ad is being served on |
27 | {source_name} | Name for the site or app the ad is served on |
28 | {subid} | Unique ID of the click/impression |
29 | {timestamp} | UNIX timestamp of RTB auction |
30 | {ua} | Device user agent |
提供广告优化选项是每一个DSP的必备功能,相比于其他DSP,AvazuDSP的广告优化功能最让人印象深刻的就是简单、方便、直观,十多个维度的广告优化选项相信对你提高ROI会大有裨益。要实现上述的优化,同样也需要将转化回传给DSP平台,而AvazuDSP是通过S2S Postback来实现。
S2S (Server-to-Server) Postback URL