Go2Mobi跟AvazuDSP类似,主要是提供mobile流量的DSP,采用实时竞价模式来获得流量。Go2Mobi对接了很多流量源,包括MobFox,Smaato,MobPub,Nexage等等,某些时候你可以利用Go2Mobi的流量源跟AvazuDSP的流量源进行互补。在Go2Mobi每天可以获得的展示量是巨大的,但也需要你非常擅长调整各种Banner以及Creative的CTR、Bid,而且也需要不停的做其他优化调整。目前Go2Mobi给我们提供了大量的Tracking Tokens供我们追踪数据,金橙子海外联属营销网已经帮你整理如下,你可以选择合适自己的参数来优化调整自己的Campaign:
# | Token Name | Token Description |
1 | {agent} | Device user agent |
2 | {campaign} | Unique ID of the campaign |
3 | {cc} | Country code of visitor |
4 | {city} | Carrier region of visitor |
5 | {clickid} | Unique ID of the click/impression |
6 | {country} | Carrier country of visitor |
7 | {crid} | Creative ID |
8 | {device_model} | Device model |
9 | {device_vendor} | Device make |
10 | {imp} | Impression dimensions (width x height) |
11 | {ip} | IP address of visitor |
12 | {isp} | Carrier name of visitor |
13 | {lat} | GPS coordinates (latitude) |
14 | {lon} | GPS coordinates (longitude) |
15 | {os} | Device operating system |
16 | {os_verion} | Device operating system version |
17 | {plid} | Exchange placement ID |
18 | {pln} | Exchange placement time |
19 | {referrer} | HTTP referrer URL (if applicable) |
20 | {referrer_domain} | HTTP referrer domain (if applicable) |
21 | {region} | Carrier region of visitor |
22 | {ua_hash} | Device user agent SHA1 hash |
23 | {uid} | User identier (includes TYPE prefix) |
24 | {uid_deviceid} | User identier (DOES NOT INCLUDE TYPE prefix) |
25 | {uid_type} | User identier TYPE Prefix |
26 | {xip} | Proxied IP address of visitor |
27 | {year} | Device year of release |
作为一个DSP,S2S Postback转化回传是最基本的功能,Go2Mobi也为我们提供了S2S转化回传链接。要注意的是链接中用到了针对你账户的唯一APIKey,你需要登录账户查找或询问你的AM,然后替换掉S2S Postback链接中的UNIQUEID。
S2S (Server-to-Server) Postback URL: