StartApp是一个类似于Airpush的移动广告网络,但与Airpush不同,你无法购买到Push、Landingpage和Icon广告。StartApp的主要广告形式是Banner、Interstitial和Rich Text,同时StartApp也在积极开拓Native、Video和360度旋转广告。目前和StartApp合作的App多达25万+,触及到的用户遍布全球各个国家,所以你根本不用担心买不到流量的情况。
在StartApp中投放广告,你需要搞清楚你属于哪类形式的推广者。如果你是App开发者,那么创建广告的时候你可以选择推广App,如果你是推广web网页、或者你需要用第三方追踪工具追踪App的安装,那么你就要选择Mobile Content来创建广告。在StartApp你可以选择CPC投放,也可以选择CPM投放,一般来说我们选择CPC来投放,但某些情况下CPM投放却要有效得多,具体选择哪种投放方式,你需要对StartApp做更多了解之后再做决定。
StartApp的追踪参数很多,你不一定都用得上,选择自己需要的Tracking Tokens,然后再创建广告吧。
# | Token Name | Token Description |
1 | bid_cost | Cost (CPC) of your bid |
2 | bid_type | Campaign payment model |
3 | campaign_id | Unique ID of the campaign |
4 | startapp_country | Country of the visitor |
5 | creative_id | Unique ID of the creative |
6 | creative_name | Creative name |
7 | startapp_advertising_id | Google advertising ID of the visitor |
8 | startapp_app_id | Unique ID of the app |
9 | startapp_click_id_placeholder | Unique ID of the click/impression |
10 | startapp_connection_type | Connection type |
11 | startapp_device_brand | Device brand of the visitor |
12 | startapp_device_model | Device model of the visitor |
13 | startapp_device_type | Device type (mobile or tablet) of the visitor |
14 | startapp_isp_name | ISP/Carrier of the visitor |
15 | startapp_os_version | Operating system version of the visitor |
16 | startapp_pub_id | Unique ID of the publisher app |
17 | startapp_publisher_category | Publisher category |
18 | user_id | Android ID or IDFA of the visitor |
StartApp同样提供了S2S Postback URL以利于广告商回传转化到平台,但金橙子海外联属营销网并不觉得有太多用处,因为相比于Airpush的Campaign优化器,StartApp的Report实在是有些简陋。
StartApp提供的S2S (Server-to-Server) Postback URL:{clickid}