SiteScout的追踪参数(Tracking Tokens)以及S2S Postback URL

SiteScout的追踪参数(Tracking Tokens)以及S2S Postback URL


但不管怎样,如果你擅长在各种DSP平台上穿梭,SiteScout值得你去试一试。作为一个成功的DSP,追踪参数是必不可少的,SiteScout也为广大广告商提供了众多的Tracking Tokens,跟金橙子海外联属营销网一起来了解一下吧。

#Token NameToken Description
1{adId}Unique ID of the ad
2{app_id}App ID
3{appType}App Type
4{campaignId}Unique ID of the campaign
5{carrier}Carrier of the visitor
6{contextualIds}Comma-separated list of contextual segment ID's
7{device}Device of the visitor
8{demographicIds}Comma-separated list of data segment ID's
9{domain}Domain name where ad was clicked
10{dpid}SHA1 hashed platform-specific ID
11{did}SHA1 hashed device ID (IMEI when available, or else MEID or ESN)
12{networkId}Unique ID of the exchange
13{pageURL}Page URL where ad was clicked
14{postbackId}Unique ID of the click/impression
15{siteId}Unique ID of the site
16{uid}Represents either {dpid} or {did}, in that order of priority


S2S (Server-to-Server) Postback URL:{clickid}

需要注意的是,SiteScout用到了UNIQUEID,这个对应到你的Account ID,登录你的账户、查找到你的Account ID,然后替换掉上面链接中的UNIQUEID即可。
